Lean Southwestern Burgers

May 24, 2024
Southwestern Chicken Turkey Burgers

These lean southwestern burgers are great to make during the Summer. Filled with charred peppers and topped with bacon and pepper jack cheese, this lean meal has flavor in every bite.

I enjoy a lean meal, especially one packed with a ton of protein and flavor. These lean southwestern burgers are no exception. They are so delicious, they have become a household favorite. They can also be prepped the night before for convenience.

Southwestern Burgers

Using either ground chicken or turkey will work great for this dish, but if you aren’t wanting this healthier alternative, use a ground meat of your preference. Ground beef will  work just fine, or a mix of different proteins too.

And for the toppings, any will go great with these burgers, whether it’s sautéed mushrooms, a fried egg, or caramelized onions. Every time we make these for our family dinner night, I always make a side of my Burger bacon jam to smother on top. The pair go so well together and really enhances the flavors.

If you are also looking for a freezer friendly meal, these lean southwestern burgers are a great option. After forming the patties, flash freeze them for 20 minutes before stacking together and transferring to a freezer bag.

Southwestern Chicken Turkey Burgers

Lean Southwestern Burgers

Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Course Main Course


  • 1 lb. Ground Chicken or Turkey
  • 1 Red or Yellow Bell Pepper, core removed and halved
  • 1/2 Jalapeno, core removed and halved
  • 1 Tbl. Fresh cilantro (or 1 tsp. dried)
  • 1 tsp. Aleppo pepper or chili powder
  • 1 tsp. Garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. Smoked sea salt
  • 1 tsp. Thyme
  • 1 tsp. Cumin
  • 1/2 tsp. Smoked paprika
  • 1/8 tsp. White pepper (or black pepper)
  • 4 slices Crispy cooked bacon, to serve
  • 4 Slices Pepper jack cheese, to serve


  • Preheat your broiler to 500℉. Place the halved bell pepper and jalapeno on a baking sheet. Place in the broiler and cook for 5-10 minutes or until the skin has blackened, rotating the pan halfway through. Transfer the ingredients to a bowl and cover with foil for 10 minutes. The steam will help removing the skin easier. After 10 minutes, peel the skin off the veggies and dice finely.
  • In a large bowl, combine the broiled vegetables, ground meat, cilantro, Aleppo pepper, garlic powder, smoked sea salt, thyme, cumin, and smoked paprika.
  • Mix the ingredients until well combined. Cover with saran wrap or foil and allow to rest at room temperature for 1 hour.
  • Divide the mixture into 4 portions and form into patties.
  • Cook on a pan or on the grill until cooked through. Serve on a warm bun with crispy bacon and a slice of pepper jack cheese.


These patties are freezer friendly. To store, form the the patties and flash freeze on a baking sheet for 20 minutes before transferring to a freezer bag. These can be frozen for up to 6 months. Before cooking, allow them to come to room temperature. 
Keyword Burger, entrees

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About Nicole

Hey There! My name is Nicole Johnston and I have been making food for as long as I can remember. From a little girl cooking with her grandmother to making new dishes and using her husband as a taste tester.


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